Inverse Fisher Transform Indicators with MACD v6

This script is a TradingView indicator written in Pine Script, a programming language designed for creating custom technical analysis indicators and strategies on the TradingView platform. The indicator is designed to create an “Inverse Fisher Transform” (IFT) indicator based on several technical indicators like Stochastic, RSI, CCI, and MFI, and combine their values to generate an overall rating. The indicator also includes elements related to MACD and offers alerting features.

  1. Indicator Setup: The script is defined as an indicator with various input options that allow users to configure its behavior. It includes options for enabling or disabling calculations for various technical indicators (Stochastic, RSI, CCI, MFI), selecting the type of output (average or individual indicator), and specifying the price data source.
  2. Smoothing and Calculations: The script uses various technical indicators like CCI, RSI, Stochastic, and MFI to calculate their values. These values are then subjected to a smoothing process using a weighted moving average (WMA) to get the smoothed values for each indicator.
  3. Inverse Fisher Transform (IFT): The smoothed values are then transformed using the Inverse Fisher Transform formula, which aims to map the indicator values to a range between -0.5 and 0.5, making them more suitable for analysis.
  4. Plotting: The IFT-transformed values are plotted on the chart using different colors based on the user’s selections. The colors indicate different rating levels, such as “Strong Buy,” “Buy,” “Neutral,” “Sell,” and “Strong Sell.” These rating levels are determined by the magnitude of the IFT-transformed values.
  5. MACD Constants and Inputs: The script includes a section related to MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) calculations. It defines various input options for configuring the appearance and behavior of the MACD-related aspects of the indicator.
  6. Helper Functions: The script defines several helper functions to facilitate calculations, such as detecting rising or falling conditions, determining trends, and calculating ratings for individual technical indicators.
  7. Alerts and Markers: The script also includes alerting features. It triggers alerts based on certain conditions being met, such as crossing certain levels or specific changes in the gradient of the indicator. It also places markers on the chart to highlight potential long or short signals.
  8. Plotting: The script plots the calculated values on the chart, displaying the IFT-transformed values for the selected technical indicators. It also displays rating levels and markers.
  9. User Interface: The script includes a visual representation of the calculated rating levels and their corresponding text labels.

This script combines various technical indicators and transforms their values using the Inverse Fisher Transform to create an overall rating that can be used for trading analysis. The MACD-related sections of the script allow users to customize the appearance and behavior of the MACD aspect of the indicator. The alerting and marker features help users identify potential trading opportunities based on the calculated ratings.

// @author guleyc
indicator('Inverse Fisher Transform Indicators with MACD v6', shorttitle='MACD_IFT_V6')
STOCHASTIC = input(false, title='IFT on Stochastic Line')
RSI = input(false, title='IFT on RSI Line')
CCI = input(false, title='IFT on CCI Line')
MFI = input(false, title='IFT on MFI Line')
AVERAGE = input(true, title='IFT AVERAGE Line')
srcData = input(title='Price data', defval=close)

// fixed lines
hline(0.5, color=#FF6961)
hline(0, color=#CFCFC4)
hline(-0.5, color=#77DD77)

// smoothing
wmalength = input(9, title='Smoothing Length')

// cci calculations
ccilength = input(7, 'CCI Length')
cv1 = 0.1 * (ta.cci(close, ccilength) / 4)
cv2 = ta.wma(cv1, wmalength)
RCCI = (math.exp(2 * cv2) - 1) / (math.exp(2 * cv2) + 1)

// rsi calculations
rsilength = input(7, 'RSI Length')
rv1 = 0.1 * (ta.rsi(close, rsilength) - 50)
rv2 = ta.wma(rv1, wmalength)
RRSI = (math.exp(2 * rv2) - 1) / (math.exp(2 * rv2) + 1)

// stoch calculations
stochlength = input(7, 'STOCH Length')
sv1 = 0.1 * (ta.stoch(close, high, low, stochlength) - 50)
sv2 = ta.wma(sv1, wmalength)
RSTO = (math.exp(2 * sv2) - 1) / (math.exp(2 * sv2) + 1)

// mfi calculations
mfilength = input(7, 'MFI Length')
source = hlc3
up = math.sum(volume * (ta.change(source) <= 0 ? 0 : source), mfilength)
lo = math.sum(volume * (ta.change(source) >= 0 ? 0 : source), mfilength)
mfi = 100.0 - 100.0 / (1.0 + up / lo)
mv1 = 0.1 * (mfi - 50)
mv2 = ta.wma(mv1, wmalength)
RMFI = (math.exp(2 * mv2) - 1) / (math.exp(2 * mv2) + 1)

// average calculations

// plot lines
plot(AVERAGE and AVINV ? AVINV : na,, 0), linewidth=3, title='AVERAGE')
plot(STOCHASTIC and RSTO ? RSTO : na,, 0), linewidth=3, title='STOCH')
plot(RSI and RRSI ? RRSI : na,, 0), linewidth=3, title='RSI')
plot(CCI and RCCI ? RCCI : na,, 0), linewidth=3, title='CCIv2')
plot(MFI and RMFI ? RMFI : na,, 0), linewidth=3, title='MFI')

// macd constants, global arrays and inputs {

// input `options` selections.
string RT1 = "MAs and Oscillators"
string RT2 = "MAs"
string RT3 = "Oscillators"
string ON  = "On"
string OFF = "Off"
string TD0 = "None"
string TD1 = "Longs"
string TD2 = "Shorts"
string TD3 = "Longs and Shorts"
string PS1 = "Columns"
string PS2 = "Histogram"
string PS3 = "Area"
string PS4 = "Line"

// input tooltips
string C_TT  = "Pick only one. These are preset colors, but you can modify anyone of them."
string TF_TT = "When using a higher timeframe, values do not repaint, which means that only values from COMPLETED timeframes are displayed."
string RP_TT = "When NOT using a higher timeframe, setting this to 'Off' will show you the confirmed value from the last closed bar. This ensures the rating will not change during the current bar."
string MA_TT = "Determines the respective weight of MAs and Oscillators when both are used to calculate the overall rating. Equal weight for MAs and Oscillators is 50%. If you use 60% for MAs, then Oscillators weigh in at 40% of the overall rating."
string WD_TT = "Width for styles other than 'Columns'."
string DR_TT = "Markers only become active when you select a direction here. Your marker setup defines the conditions that will trigger an alert configured on the indicator."
string AT_TT = "If both Longs and Shorts are displayed, shows only the first marker in a given direction. This prevents triggering successive markers in the same direction. Has no effect when only long or only short markers are displayed."
string LU_TT = "The level that must be breached upward to trigger a long.\n'Buy' state corresponds to 0.1\n'Strong Buy' state corresponds to 0.5\n\nUse zero if you do not want triggers on this condition."
string LD_TT = "The level that must be breached downward to trigger a short.\n'Sell' state corresponds to -0.1\n'Strong Sell' state corresponds to -0.5\n\nUse zero if you do not want triggers on this condition."
string GD_TT = "The number of cumulative advances or declines in the signal (capped to 5). The maximum of 5 corresponds to the brightest color for the signal.\n\nUse zero if you do not want triggers on this condition."

// levels determining
float LEVEL_STRONG = 0.5
float LEVEL_WEAK   = 0.1

// color constants.
color BLUE    = #013BCAff
color GOLD    = #CCCC00ff
color GRAY    = #808080ff
color LIME    = #00FF00ff
color PINK    = #FF0080ff
color RED     = #FF0000ff
color VIOLET  = #AA00FFff
color WHITE   = #FFFFFFff
color NEUTRAL = #434650

// global arrays
var float[] ratings = array.new_float(3)
var string[] TEXTS = array.from("All", "MAs", "Osc")
var int[] indices = array.new_int(3)

// ————— Inputs
string  GRP1            = "Calculations"
string  tfInput         = input.timeframe("",        "Higher timeframe",         group = GRP1, tooltip = TF_TT)
bool    repaintInput    = input.string(ON,           "Repainting",               group = GRP1, tooltip = RP_TT, options = [ON, OFF]) == ON
string  calcsInput      = input.string(RT1,          "Rating uses",              group = GRP1,                  options = [RT2, RT3, RT1])
float   maInput         =,              "Weight of MAs (%)",        group = GRP1, tooltip = MA_TT, minval  = 0, maxval = 100, step = 10) / 100
string  styleInput      = input.string(PS1,          "Plot style",               group = GRP1, inline  = "10",  options = [PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4])
int     widthInput      =,               "",                         group = GRP1, inline  = "10",  minval  = 1, maxval = 50, tooltip = WD_TT)
color   colorInput1     = input.color(LIME,          "Bull  ",                   group = GRP1, inline  = "14",  tooltip = C_TT)
bool    showColorInput1 = input.bool(true,           "",                         group = GRP1, inline  = "14")
color   colorInput2     = input.color(GOLD,          "",                         group = GRP1, inline  = "14")
bool    showColorInput2 = input.bool(false,          "",                         group = GRP1, inline  = "14")
color   colorInput3     = input.color(WHITE,         "",                         group = GRP1, inline  = "14")
bool    showColorInput3 = input.bool(false,          "",                         group = GRP1, inline  = "14")
color   colorInput4     = input.color(PINK,          "Bear   ",                  group = GRP1, inline  = "15",  tooltip = C_TT)
bool    showColorInput4 = input.bool(true,           "",                         group = GRP1, inline  = "15")
color   colorInput5     = input.color(VIOLET,        "",                         group = GRP1, inline  = "15")
bool    showColorInput5 = input.bool(false,          "",                         group = GRP1, inline  = "15")
color   colorInput6     = input.color(BLUE,          "",                         group = GRP1, inline  = "15")
bool    showColorInput6 = input.bool(false,          "",                         group = GRP1, inline  = "15")
color   neutColorInput  = input.color(NEUTRAL,       "Neutral",                  group = GRP1, inline  = "16")

string  GRP2            = "Alert Markers (non-repainting)"
string  dirInput        = input.string(TD0,          "Direction",                group = GRP2, tooltip = DR_TT, options = [TD0, TD1, TD2, TD3]) 
bool    altInput        = input.string(ON,           "Alternate Longs & Shorts", group = GRP2, tooltip = AT_TT, options = [ON, OFF]) == ON and dirInput == TD3
float   levelUpInput    = input.float( LEVEL_STRONG, "Longs Level",              group = GRP2, tooltip = LU_TT, minval  =  0, maxval = 1, step = 0.05) 
float   levelDnInput    = input.float(-LEVEL_STRONG, "Shorts Level",             group = GRP2, tooltip = LD_TT, minval  = -1, maxval = 0, step = 0.05) 
float   gradInput       = input.float(0,             "Cumulative adv./decl.",    group = GRP2, tooltip = GD_TT, minval  =  0, maxval = 5, step = 1) 
string  alertUpInput    = input.string("Long",       "Alert message: Long",      group = GRP2, inline  = "14")
string  alertDnInput    = input.string("Short",      "Short",                    group = GRP2, inline  = "14")

// determine base bull/bear colors as per user selection
color bullColor = showColorInput1 ? colorInput1 : showColorInput2 ? colorInput2 : showColorInput3 ? colorInput3 : colorInput1
color bearColor = showColorInput4 ? colorInput4 : showColorInput5 ? colorInput5 : showColorInput6 ? colorInput6 : colorInput4

bool doLongs  = dirInput == TD1 or dirInput == TD3
bool doShorts = dirInput == TD2 or dirInput == TD3

style = switch styleInput 
    PS4 => plot.style_line
    PS3 => plot.style_area  
    PS2 => plot.style_histogram
    =>     plot.style_columns 
// }

// functions {

//  Helper functions.
rising(series float src)  => 
    bool result = ta.rising(src, 1)
falling(series float src) => 
    bool result = ta.falling(src, 1)
trendUp() => 
    bool result = close > ta.ema(close, 50)
trendDn() => 
    bool result = close < ta.ema(close, 50)
notNa(series float src) => 
    bool result = not na(src) and not na(src[1])
ratingMa(series float ma, series float src) => 
    float result = math.sign(src - ma)
ratingBullBear(series bool bullCond, series bool bearCond) => 
    int result = na(bullCond) or na(bearCond) ? na : bullCond ? 1 : bearCond ? -1 : 0

// ichimoku rating
donchian(series int length) => 
    float result = math.avg(ta.lowest(length), ta.highest(length))
ratingIchimoku() =>
    float conversion = donchian(9)
    float base       = donchian(26)
    float lead1      = math.avg(conversion, base)
    float lead2      = donchian(52)
    float result     = ratingBullBear(
          lead1 > lead2 and close > lead1 and close < base and close[1] < conversion and close > conversion,
          lead2 > lead1 and close < lead2 and close > base and close[1] > conversion and close < conversion)
    if not (na(lead1) or na(lead2) or na(close) or na(close[1]) or na(base) or na(conversion))

// oscillator ratings
ratingRsi() =>
    float rsi    = ta.rsi(close,14)
    float result = ratingBullBear(rsi < 30 and falling(rsi), rsi > 70 and rising(rsi))
    result := notNa(rsi) ? result : na
ratingStoch() =>
    float k = ta.sma(ta.stoch(close, high, low, 14), 3)
    float d = ta.sma(k, 3)
    float result = ratingBullBear(k < 20 and d < 20 and k > d and k[1] < d[1], k > 80 and d > 80 and k < d and k[1] > d[1])
    result := notNa(k) and notNa(d) ? result : na
ratingCci() =>
    float cci = ta.cci(close, 20)
    float result = ratingBullBear(cci < -100 and rising(cci), cci > 100 and falling(cci))
    result := notNa(cci) ? result : na
ratingAdx() =>
    [diPlus, diMinus, adx] = ta.dmi(14, 14)
    float result = ratingBullBear(adx > 20 and diPlus[1] < diMinus[1] and diPlus > diMinus, adx > 20 and diPlus[1] > diMinus[1] and diPlus < diMinus)
    result := notNa(diPlus) and notNa(diMinus) and not na(adx) ? result : na
ratingAo() =>
    float ao     = ta.sma(hl2, 5) - ta.sma(hl2, 34)
    bool  aoXUp  = ta.crossover(ao, 0)
    bool  aoXDn  = ta.crossunder(ao, 0)
    float result = ratingBullBear(aoXUp or (ao > 0 and ao[1] > 0 and rising(ao)), aoXDn or (ao < 0 and ao[1] < 0 and falling(ao)))
    result := notNa(ao) ? result : na
ratingMom() =>
    float mom = close - close[10]
    float result = ratingBullBear(rising(mom), falling(mom))
    result := notNa(mom) ? result : na
ratingMacd() =>
    [macd, signal, _] = ta.macd(close, 12, 26, 9)
    float result = ratingBullBear(macd > signal, macd < signal)
    result := not na(macd) and not na(signal) ? result : na
ratingStochRsi() =>
    float rsi = ta.rsi(close, 14)
    float k = ta.sma(ta.stoch(rsi, rsi, rsi, 14), 3)
    float d = ta.sma(k, 3)
    float result = ratingBullBear(trendDn() and k < 20 and d < 20 and k > d and k[1] < d[1], trendUp() and k > 80 and d > 80 and k < d and k[1] > d[1])
    result := notNa(k) and notNa(d) and not na(trendDn()) and not na(trendUp()) ? result : na
ratingWpr() =>
    float wpr = ta.wpr(14)
    float result = ratingBullBear(wpr < -80 and rising(wpr), wpr > -20 and falling(wpr))
    result := notNa(wpr) ? result : na
ratingBbp() =>
    float powerBull = high - ta.ema(close, 13)
    float powerBear = low  - ta.ema(close, 13)
    float result = ratingBullBear(trendUp() and powerBear < 0 and rising(powerBear), trendDn() and powerBull > 0 and falling(powerBull))
    result := notNa(powerBull) and notNa(powerBear) and not na(trendDn()) and not na(trendUp()) ? result : na
ratingUo() =>
    int pFast =  7
    int pMid  = 14
    int pLong = 28
    float tl  = close[1] < low ? close[1] : low
    float uo  = na
    float v1  = math.sum(, pFast)
    float v2  = math.sum(, pMid)
    float v3  = math.sum(, pLong)
    float v4  = math.sum(close - tl, pFast)
    float v5  = math.sum(close - tl, pMid)
    float v6  = math.sum(close - tl, pLong)
    if v1 != 0 and v2 != 0 and v3 != 0
        float p0 = pLong / pFast
        float p1 = pLong / pMid
        float v7 = (v4 / v1) * p0
        float v8 = (v5 / v2) * p1
        float v9 = (v6 / v3)
        uo := 100 * (v7 + v8 + v9) / (p0 + p1 + 1)
    float result = ratingBullBear(uo > 70, uo < 30)
    result := not na(uo) ? result : na
ratings(series int offset) =>

    var float[] indRatings = array.new_float(0)

    // calculate ma rating
    array.push(indRatings, ratingMa(ta.sma(close,  10), close))
    array.push(indRatings, ratingMa(ta.sma(close,  20), close))
    array.push(indRatings, ratingMa(ta.sma(close,  30), close))
    array.push(indRatings, ratingMa(ta.sma(close,  50), close))
    array.push(indRatings, ratingMa(ta.sma(close, 100), close))
    array.push(indRatings, ratingMa(ta.sma(close, 200), close))
    array.push(indRatings, ratingMa(ta.ema(close,  10), close))
    array.push(indRatings, ratingMa(ta.ema(close,  20), close))
    array.push(indRatings, ratingMa(ta.ema(close,  30), close))
    array.push(indRatings, ratingMa(ta.ema(close,  50), close))
    array.push(indRatings, ratingMa(ta.ema(close, 100), close))
    array.push(indRatings, ratingMa(ta.ema(close, 200), close))
    array.push(indRatings, ratingMa(ta.hma(close,   9), close))
    array.push(indRatings, ratingMa(ta.vwma(close, 20), close))
    array.push(indRatings, ratingIchimoku())
    float ratingMas = array.avg(indRatings)

    // calculate oscillators rating
    array.push(indRatings, ratingRsi())
    array.push(indRatings, ratingStoch())
    array.push(indRatings, ratingCci())
    array.push(indRatings, ratingAdx())
    array.push(indRatings, ratingAo())
    array.push(indRatings, ratingMom())
    array.push(indRatings, ratingMacd())
    array.push(indRatings, ratingStochRsi())
    array.push(indRatings, ratingWpr())
    array.push(indRatings, ratingBbp())
    array.push(indRatings, ratingUo())
    float ratingOsc = array.avg(indRatings)

    // calculate weighted average of the two groups: ma and oscillator
    float ratingTot = nz(ratingMas * maInput) + nz(ratingOsc * (1. - maInput))
    [ratingTot[offset], ratingMas[offset], ratingOsc[offset]]

orderSignals(userSelection) =>
    switch userSelection
        RT2 => 
         array.set(indices, 0, 1),
         array.set(indices, 1, 2),
         array.set(indices, 2, 0)
        RT3 =>
         array.set(indices, 0, 2),
         array.set(indices, 1, 1),
         array.set(indices, 2, 0)
         array.set(indices, 0, 0),
         array.set(indices, 1, 1),
         array.set(indices, 2, 2)

countRising(series float src) =>
    var int cnt = 0
    float chg = ta.change(math.abs(src))
        src == 0 => cnt := 0
        chg  > 0 => cnt := math.min(5, cnt + 1)
        chg  < 0 => cnt := math.max(1, cnt - 1)
    int result = src > 0 ? cnt : -cnt

signalColor(series int gradient) =>
    color col  = gradient > 0 ? bullColor : gradient < 0 ? bearColor : neutColorInput
    float transp = 100 - (math.abs(gradient) * 20)
    transp :=  transp == 80 ? 75 : transp
    color result = col == neutColorInput ? col :, transp)

colorFromRating(series float rating) =>
    color result = switch 
        rating >  LEVEL_STRONG =>, 20)
        rating >  LEVEL_WEAK   =>, 50)
        rating < -LEVEL_STRONG =>, 20)
        rating < -LEVEL_WEAK   =>, 50)
        =>                        neutColorInput

textFromRating(series float rating) =>
    string result = switch 
        rating >  LEVEL_STRONG => "Strong Buy"
        rating >  LEVEL_WEAK   => "Buy"
        rating < -LEVEL_STRONG => "Strong Sell"
        rating < -LEVEL_WEAK   => "Sell"
        =>                        "Neutral"

print(series string txt, series int lineNo, series color txtColor) =>
    var label lbl =, 0, "", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, color(na), label.style_label_left, color.white, textalign = text.align_left)
    var string[] returnsPrefix = array.new_string(math.max(0, lineNo - 1), "\n")
    var string[] returnsSuffix = array.new_string(math.max(0, 4 - lineNo), "\n")
    var string prefix = array.join(returnsPrefix, "")
    var string suffix = array.join(returnsSuffix, "")
    string labelStr   = prefix + "{0}" + suffix
    // Update label.
    if barstate.islast
        label.set_x(lbl, bar_index)
        label.set_text(lbl, str.format(labelStr, txt))
        label.set_textcolor(lbl, txtColor)
// }

// macd calculations {

if barstate.isfirst
bool htfUsed = tfInput != ""
bool chartTfIsTooHigh = htfUsed and timeframe.in_seconds() >= timeframe.in_seconds(tfInput)
int idx1 = htfUsed and barstate.isrealtime ? 1 : 0
int idx2 = (repaintInput and not htfUsed) or (htfUsed and barstate.isrealtime) ? 0 : 1
[ratingTot_, ratingMas_, ratingOsc_] =, tfInput, ratings(idx1))
float ratingTot = ratingTot_[idx2]
float ratingMas = ratingMas_[idx2]
float ratingOsc = ratingOsc_[idx2]

array.set(ratings, 0, ratingTot)
array.set(ratings, 1, ratingMas)
array.set(ratings, 2, ratingOsc)
float userRating = array.get(ratings, array.get(indices, 0))
// }

// plots {

if chartTfIsTooHigh
    runtime.error("Chart's timeframe must be smaller than " + tfInput)

// build signal color
bool  condBuy      = userRating >  LEVEL_WEAK
bool  condSell     = userRating < -LEVEL_WEAK
float valsBuy      = condBuy  ? userRating : 0
float valsSell     = condSell ? userRating : 0
int   risingBuys   = countRising(valsBuy)
int   fallingSells = countRising(valsSell)
int   gradientLvl  = condBuy ? risingBuys : condSell ? fallingSells : 0
color signalColor  = signalColor(gradientLvl)

// user-selected rating
plot(userRating, "Rating", signalColor, widthInput, style)

// levels
// fixed levels
hline( LEVEL_STRONG, "Strong Buy Level",,  50), hline.style_dashed)
hline( LEVEL_WEAK,   "Buy Level",,  65), hline.style_dashed)
hline( 0.0,          "0.0 Level",, 50), hline.style_dashed)
hline(-LEVEL_WEAK,   "Sell Level",,  75), hline.style_dashed)
hline(-LEVEL_STRONG, "Strong Sell Level",,  50), hline.style_dashed)
// marker breach levels
hline(doLongs  ? levelUpInput : na, "Long Level",  levelUpInput == 0 ? color(na) : bullColor, hline.style_dotted)
hline(doShorts ? levelDnInput : na, "Short Level", levelDnInput == 0 ? color(na) : bearColor, hline.style_dotted)

// data window values
plotchar(ratingTot, "All",         "",, colorFromRating(ratingTot))
plotchar(ratingMas, "MAs",         "",, colorFromRating(ratingMas))
plotchar(ratingOsc, "Oscillators", "",, colorFromRating(ratingOsc))
plotchar(na,        "═══════",     "",, colorFromRating(ratingTot))

var int idxOfLine1 = array.get(indices, 0)
var int idxOfLine2 = array.get(indices, 1)
var int idxOfLine3 = array.get(indices, 2)

string COLUMN1_PADDING = "  "
string COLUMN2_PADDING = "      "
if barstate.islast
    // legends
    print(COLUMN1_PADDING + array.get(TEXTS, idxOfLine1) + ":", 1, color.silver)
    print(COLUMN1_PADDING + array.get(TEXTS, idxOfLine2) + ":", 2, color.gray)
    print(COLUMN1_PADDING + array.get(TEXTS, idxOfLine3) + ":", 3, color.gray)
    // rating states
    print(COLUMN2_PADDING + textFromRating(array.get(ratings, idxOfLine1)), 1, colorFromRating(array.get(ratings, idxOfLine1)))
    print(COLUMN2_PADDING + textFromRating(array.get(ratings, idxOfLine2)), 2, colorFromRating(array.get(ratings, idxOfLine2)))
    print(COLUMN2_PADDING + textFromRating(array.get(ratings, idxOfLine3)), 3, colorFromRating(array.get(ratings, idxOfLine3)))
// }

// alerts and markers. {

// alerts
int ensureNoRepaintIdx = not htfUsed and repaintInput ? 1 : 0
bool xUp = levelUpInput != 0 and ta.crossover( userRating, levelUpInput)
bool xDn = levelDnInput != 0 and ta.crossunder(userRating, levelDnInput)
bool gUp = gradInput != 0 and gradientLvl ==  gradInput and gradientLvl[1] <  gradInput
bool gDn = gradInput != 0 and gradientLvl == -gradInput and gradientLvl[1] > -gradInput
var bool lastDirectionUp = na

bool triggerLong  = ((xUp or gUp) and (not altInput or na(lastDirectionUp) or not lastDirectionUp) and doLongs )[ensureNoRepaintIdx]
bool triggerShort = ((xDn or gDn) and (not altInput or na(lastDirectionUp) or     lastDirectionUp) and doShorts)[ensureNoRepaintIdx]

if triggerLong
    alert(alertUpInput, alert.freq_once_per_bar)
    lastDirectionUp := true
else if triggerShort
    alert(alertDnInput, alert.freq_once_per_bar)
    lastDirectionUp := false

plotchar(gradientLvl, "Advances/Declines", "",, signalColor)
plotchar(triggerLong,  "Long Marker",  "▲", location.bottom,, 00), size = size.tiny)
plotchar(triggerShort, "Short Marker", "▼",,, 00), size = size.tiny)
// }

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